L.E.A. Data Technologies
Specialized Law Enforcement & Police Software
Software Developed by Cops for Cops.®
These software programs were developed by a detective/crime analyst who has been a police officer for over 28 years. His experience ranges from creating databases for serial murder and robbery cases with enormous amounts of evidence and suspects, analyzing cost-per-mile for departmental vehicles, to justifying the need for more staff, based on caseloads.
The key to the successful creation of this software is input from patrol officers, detectives and supervisors with years of experience in the field and having the right "analyst", a cop!
We priced our software to afford ALL police, law enforcement and military agencies the ability to work with well-designed programs made specifically for their field. Our goal was to help these agencies better perform their job!
"We purchased an Internal Affairs program, which cost $32,000.00, and 30% of that annually just to re-license. We are now starting over because we could never get it up and running. I actually told my superiors that if they did not let me spend the $2,000.00 for the L.E.A. Software they could replace me. Plus, I guaranteed them that if I could not get it up and running within a month I would reimburse them. I am up and running and love it."
All Software Includes
- Access to on-screen HELP from every screen
- Free technical assistance during office hours
Query Features Include
- Customizable drop-down lists to fit individual department's needs.
- Numerous report options that let you establish the criteria for the records included on each report.
- Concise and easy to use features to quickly collect and distribute professional reports.
Save time and money with a proven system that works. Call 877-296-3282 for more information or to order.
Free PowerPoint Demo
Contact us for a free PowerPoint Demo to see the key features and reports for these specialized software programs.
Take a Test Drive
Available to agencies within the United States.